Workout Clothing/Athleticwear

So I've been on a fitness kick lately. I joined a gym and between that, Pokémon Go, and water aerobics in my home pool (for which I bought water shoes for! Water shoes! Am I really this dedicated!) I've been getting a decent workout in the last few weeks. I've also been taking post-workout, gym OOTD selfies so I figured I'd post them here:
Gym Week 1 - July 10, 2016:
(Oh, to answer the inevitable question: Yes, I go to Planet Fitness. I actually really like them!)
My actual workout clothes hadn't come in the mail yet, so between a quick trip to Family Dollar (believe it or not, their clothes aren't half bad! At least the lingerie!) and some closet raiding I cobbled together an outfit. The sports bra is one of the Family Dollar acquisitions, their in house brand Just Be... in a size 2X. The shirt is from Target, their Mossimo brand in a size XXL. The leggings are the No Boundries brand from Wal-Mart (and I've relegated them to workout leggings cause I can't ever find anything to wear them with!) in a size XL (they run a bit big, I have multiple of these low price NoBo leggings and they're all in XL). The shoes are unbranded but they're also from Wal-Mart (I'm frugal, okay?) and they're size 8.5.
Gym Week 2 - July 17, 2016:
By this time my online order from Wal-Mart came in so I was super excited to wear them! The top wasn't bought online, but it's also from Wal-Mart. No Boundaries brand, size XXL. The shorts and sports bra are Wal-Mart's in house athleticwear line, Danskin Now, both are size 2X. Same shoes.
Gym Week 3 - July 24, 2016:
And now we have yesterday's outfit! I'm gonna be straight up honest, the brands and sizes for everything are literally the same as they were last week, just a slightly different style for the shorts and different colors for the shirt and sports bra.
I may or may not post here every week with my gym outfits, especially since I only have so many and I really only have one new outfit to show off (so yes, I'll post that one!), and then I'll be mixing and matching the pieces I already have until I can save up to buy more, but I do post-workout, gym OOTD selfies every week on Instagram, so check that out there (and it's not just for workout stuff! I also post random nonsense, Pokémon stuff, and pics of my ultra adorable nephew!)

Recent Clothing Acquisitions

I've done a bit of clothes shopping lately! Have some pics!
The first is an outfit I got because I needed some more "business casual" stuff for work, and I was sick of wearing dresses every time they begged us to dress up. The top and necklace came together, and they're from a brand called Prestige Edge. I got them at DD's Discounts (a sister store to Ross). The slacks are from the George brand at Wal-Mart. I originally wanted to get khaki slacks to go with the outfit, but ultimately decided the black was a better balance to the bright colors of the top.
My next purchase was gotten just this afternoon. I wanted a patriotic top for the Fourth of July next week and I saw this tank for $3.88 at Wal-Mart and couldn't resist! Gonna pair it with some blue jean shorts and kick-ass patriotic nails and makeup, because of course I am. Maybe even some gaudy-but-acceptable-on-Fourth-of-July patriotic accessories. Haven't decided yet.

Oh, Aéropostale

So the Aéropostale in the outlet mall near my house is doing a special right now where they're just giving away $5 gift cards. I do not normally shop there but hey, a free $5 is a free $5.When I walked in a table of $5.99 graphic tees caught my eye. With the gift card it came out to a buck out of pocket, and I normally can fit into an XL so I figured I'd give it a shot.I had the highest of hopes but even then were they not high enough.This thing is so very small. I tried to wear it to work this morning and didn't even get past the bathroom mirror. IDK maybe I'll give it to one of my sisters and see if they can wear it. Or I'll keep it as an inspiration shirt. But for now it's closest fodder.

Cute Shirt

Not a full OOTD post but I loved this shirt that I got at Ross over Labor Day weekend. It's from a brand called One World and it cost me $9.

Trying to Get in the Swing of Things

I need to come up with a good way to do things like OOTD posts, since I don't really have any way to take pictures (I don't really have anyone to do that for me.
I really need to find out how the timer on my phone's camera works. Maybe that'll do it? Could also use my webcam, I think.
I need to figure it out.

Oh, Hello!

I've been wanting to start this blog for a while, but the time has never been right, until now.
Welcome to Marshmallow Couture, a plus size fashion blog. I used to not care about what I wore, enjoying oversized t-shirts and baggy jeans in an effort to hide my body. But now that I'm about to hit my 30s, and ever since I got with my boyfriend four years ago, I've been more interested in fashion and "dressing like a girl," so to speak.
I hope to turn this into something amazing. So keep watch on this space, yo!