So I've been on a fitness kick lately. I joined a gym and between that, Pokémon Go, and water aerobics in my home pool (for which I bought water shoes for! Water shoes! Am I really this dedicated!) I've been getting a decent workout in the last few weeks. I've also been taking post-workout, gym OOTD selfies so I figured I'd post them here:
Gym Week 1 - July 10, 2016:

(Oh, to answer the inevitable question: Yes, I go to Planet Fitness. I actually really like them!)
My actual workout clothes hadn't come in the mail yet, so between a quick trip to Family Dollar (believe it or not, their clothes aren't half bad! At least the lingerie!) and some closet raiding I cobbled together an outfit. The sports bra is one of the Family Dollar acquisitions, their in house brand Just Be... in a size 2X. The shirt is from Target, their Mossimo brand in a size XXL. The leggings are the No Boundries brand from Wal-Mart (and I've relegated them to workout leggings cause I can't ever find anything to wear them with!) in a size XL (they run a bit big, I have multiple of these low price NoBo leggings and they're all in XL). The shoes are unbranded but they're also from Wal-Mart (I'm frugal, okay?) and they're size 8.5.
Gym Week 2 - July 17, 2016:

By this time my online order from Wal-Mart came in so I was super excited to wear them! The top wasn't bought online, but it's also from Wal-Mart. No Boundaries brand, size XXL. The shorts and sports bra are Wal-Mart's in house athleticwear line, Danskin Now, both are size 2X. Same shoes.
Gym Week 3 - July 24, 2016:

And now we have yesterday's outfit! I'm gonna be straight up honest, the brands and sizes for everything are literally the same as they were last week, just a slightly different style for the shorts and different colors for the shirt and sports bra.
I may or may not post here every week with my gym outfits, especially since I only have so many and I really only have one new outfit to show off (so yes, I'll post that one!), and then I'll be mixing and matching the pieces I already have until I can save up to buy more, but I do post-workout, gym OOTD selfies every week on Instagram, so check that out there (and it's not just for workout stuff! I also post random nonsense, Pokémon stuff, and pics of my ultra adorable nephew!)